About Alexa: Health and Nutrition Coach | Alexa Hanshaw
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During those long days, I remembered how happy I'd felt back in my college days at Northeastern University. (Any fellow Huskies here?!) While majoring in International Business, I had taken an on-campus job as a group fitness instructor - and when I was exploring nutrition and fitness certifications, I was the happiest I had ever been. (Why did it all seem so simple in college?)


Working out the stress helped halfway.


So, I decided to prioritize working out - which meant waking up even earlier to get in my HIIT class before work; or, trying to leave the office at a halfway decent time, to fit in an evening workout to get the day's stress out of my system.


Exercise made a big difference, but it didn't always leave me feeling more peaceful or calm, especially after those extra-frenzied workdays (you know the ones).


Finding yoga made the perfect match.


My body needed a different kind of release: enter yoga. I had taken a few yoga classes here and there, but without any consistency (I told myself: “I am not flexible”, “This isn’t a ‘real’ workout”, “I am wasting my time” - any of those phrases sound familiar?).


With the help of an accountability buddy and a Groupon deal, I jumped (or, stretched?) into the world of yoga and have never looked back - it was exactly what I needed.






My pronouns are she/her/hers. I am a national board certified health and wellness coach (NBC-HWC), striving to empower women to become the CEO of their stress. I love helping people manage their own health and wellness.


My early office days were exhausting.


Straight after graduating from college, I did what all goal-oriented graduates do: I joined Corporate America as an entry-level consultant at one of the Big Four Accounting firms in Charlotte, NC. My daily routine looked something like this (maybe you can relate):


  • Waking up exhausted to my alarm

  • Throwing some food into a bag - snacks and a quick breakfast (maybe even lunch, if I was lucky enough to have time to prep a meal the night before)

  • Rushing into the office to start plugging through emails, meetings, spreadsheets, and PowerPoint presentations

  • Taking a half-focused lunch at my desk or the conference room table so I could continue working, until that day's "fire drills" and client requests ran out the clock

  • Heading home to hit the pillow, and repeat all over again the next day







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Once I got a taste of a healthy lifestyle, I was eager to learn more. I pursued my 200-hour Yoga Teacher Certification,  which led to a mbg Functional Nutrition Coach Certification, followed by my Breathwork & Mediation Certification and finally the National Board for Health and wellness prep course and exam.


The more I learned and incorporated those lessons into my daily life, the less chronic stress I held onto and the more I was able to see how life-changing these practices can be.


Now I want to help you tackle YOUR stress.


It was not a straight road to taking command of my stress, but I have put together an amazing toolbox that I use as I continue to manage the ebbs and flows of corporate life. And now, I help other high-achieving professional women and entrepreneurs learn tools to manage stress while still killing it at work or in their business.


If you are a go-getter in the business world, trying to figure out the balance between a productive career and a happy life, I know firsthand how hard it can be.


If you're ready to jump in and take back the reins from your stress, set up a clarity call with me and let's see if health coaching is the right fit for you. 


You are an achiever, taking command of your projects at work; you can apply that same go-getter spirit to take command of your stress. I am here to guide you in becoming the CEO of your Stress.


Get in touch, and let's put you back in the C-Suite of your own life (I saved you a corner office).

Send me an email namaste@alexahanshaw.com or book a call directly by hitting the "I'm Interested" button.


  • ​National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)

  • mindbodygreen (mbg) Functional Nutrition Coach Certification​​

  • 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training—Chakra Flow University

  • Certified Group Fitness Instructor—Athletics & Fitness Associate of America (AFAA)

  • Breathwork & Meditation Training—Academy of Breath

  • Yin Yoga Certification

  • Adult First Aid/CPR/AEDAmerican Red Cross



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Past Corporate Events


Capital One, All Levels Virtual Yoga


EY, Markets Accelerator Virtual Conference, (Yoga Flow, Nutrition Basics, All Levels Strength and Cardio) 3 years


EY, FSO Consulting Virtual Academy (Sunrise Yoga)


EY, FSO Quarterly Counseling Family Meeting


*EY= Ernst & Young LLC


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© 2021 by Alexa Hanshaw


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