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Sleep Challenge: How To Get Better Sleep Every Night

Writer's picture: Alexa HanshawAlexa Hanshaw

Are you struggling to get a good quality nights sleep? This sleep challenge might help you.

Sleep Challenge feature image

Did you know quality sleep is just as important, if not more important than the quantity of sleep?

As a national board certified health coach, I’m more concerned about how well my clients are sleeping.

Do you wake up feeling refreshed? Do you have trouble falling asleep at night?

Does your mind and body feel rested after a good night's sleep?

If not, below are some of my favorite tips to incorporate during a sleep challenge to help you sleep better.

Table Of Contents

30-Day Sleep Challenge

I created a one-month sleep challenge to support better rest. The hope is to support you in falling asleep faster and sleep more soundly, see which tips support you.

30 Day Sleep Challenge

Print your copy of the 30-day sleep challenge and start sleeping better today!

Why is It Important to Do a Sleep Challenge?

Sleep is a necessity for your body to heal and recharge.

With that in mind, take a peak at the video below. It's all about the sleep challenge!

According to research by the Dominican Scholar, sleep deprivation can affect the brain, mental state, and physical abilities.

If you don't get enough sleep, it can affect your memory and make it harder to learn new things.

Additionally, a study by the National Library of Medicine shows that between 50 and 70 million Americans suffer from a sleep disorder, which affects their daily functioning and health.

Pro Tip: The sleep challenge aims to change your thinking about quality sleep. Recognize it as a natural, enjoyable part of life.

20 Ways to Approach a Sleep Challenge

I've got a list of 20 unique ways to tackle your sleep hygiene and possibly enhance the quality of your sleep.

1) Create a relaxing bedroom

Reorganize your sleep environment to a relaxing and peaceful space. Arrange your furniture and décor in a way that promotes good vibes and helps you get a great night's sleep.

2) Try aromatherapy

If you have a stressful day, why not give aromatherapy a try?

You can use soothing scents by using essential oils, diffusers, or even pillow sprays such as:

  • Lavender

  • Chamomile

  • Jasmine

  • Sandalwood

  • Rose Petals

It's a great way to create a calming atmosphere and promote deep, restful sleep.

Pro Tip: If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it's best to consult your physician before using aromatherapy

3) Try a digital detox

Have you heard of a digital detox? It's all about taking a break from electronic devices before hitting the hay.

Turning off your mobile at least an hour before sleep can reduce exposure to blue light. This light can mess with your body's natural sleep-wake cycle. You can also change the settings on your computer and phone (eye comfort shield) throughout the day.

4) Observe temperature control

If you're having trouble sleeping, why not experiment with different room temperatures?

Some people sleep better in more warmer or colder temperatures. Switch up your thermometer to find out what works best for you.

5) Look for white noise or nature sounds

Try playing nature sounds or use a white noise machine to create a calming background for better sleep.

The idea behind this is that the noise will mask any other noises and not disturb you at night.

You can actually find white noise machines and nature sounds online (for free). Some are available for up to 10 hours.

6) Create pre-sleep rituals

I totally agree. Before hitting the hay, having some relaxing pre-sleep rituals is super helpful.

Try reading a book, writing in a journal, or gentle stretching. These activities signal your body that it's time to wind down and get ready for quality sleep.

7) Start progressive muscle relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation is a simple practice of tensing and relaxing each muscle group. It can help you release any physical tension before going to bed.

8) Experience the power nap

Have you ever tried taking a power nap? It's a cool little trick to help you avoid feeling sleepy during the day without messing up your nighttime sleep.

Dozing off for 10-20 minutes to see if it helps rebalance your energy levels.

9) Limit your fluid intake

Reduce your fluid intake before bed to reduce the chances of waking up during the night to use the restroom.

10) Bedtime snack

I've heard that having a little bedtime snack can help you relax and feel sleepy. It's all because of tryptophan, which you can find in foods like bananas, turkey, and nuts.

A small snack with these ingredients might make you feel more relaxed, sleepy, and ready for bed.

11) Do a snack swap

Instead of eating cookies or ice cream at night, eat an apple or another sleep promoting snack. It can help you avoid sugar crashes.

12) Use the Sunrise to your advantage

Consider getting a wake-up light that mimics the sunrise.

The light gradually brightens, just as it does in the real world. That can help your body keep its internal clock on schedule.

Use the Sunrise to your advantage

It's a great investment for a more natural wake-up experience.

13) Lucid dreaming practices

A lucid dream is a dream in which you know you're dreaming. These dreamy visualizations can enhance your sleep and even improve the quality of it.

14) Find a sleep-tracking tool that works for you

Have you ever tried a sleep-tracking tool? They can help you understand your sleep patterns.

You can use the data collected to make smart adjustments to your sleep habits. It's like having a personal sleep coach right at your fingertips.

15) Alternate your sleeping positions

Have you ever attempted to experiment with different sleeping positions? The goal is to find the most comfortable and supportive one for your body.

Which position works best for you? Side lying? Flat on your back? On your stomach?

16) Understand the color psychology

When decorating your bedroom, go for calming colors.

Different colors can have an impact on your mood and sleep. Choose soothing shades for a peaceful and restful atmosphere.

Look at these two rooms. Which one encourages you to sleep and makes you feel like staying awake?

17) Practice gratitude journaling

Have you ever practiced gratitude journaling? It's a simple routine where you write down a few things you're grateful for each night before bed.

You can foster positive emotions and can even help you sleep better.

18) Have a shower or warm bath before bed

Do you prefer a warm bath or shower before bed? It helps to relax your muscles and let your body know it's time to unwind.

19) Practice limiting clock gazing

If you wake up during the night, try not to check the time. It can make you feel anxious about not getting enough sleep.

Instead, try going back to sleep in a few minutes, ignoring the clock. You may fall asleep faster than if you check the time first.

20) Try Yoga nidra

Have you ever tried Yoga nidra? Yoga nidra allows you to experience the healing and restoration that occurs during deep sleep. Many apps and youtube videos offer free versions, for example insight timer.

Sleep Challenge (FAQs)

What is a sleep challenge?

A Sleep challenge attempts to enhance the participants sleep. It entails following a sleep schedule for a specific time to improve sleep quality and health.

What is the Tiktok sleep challenge?

The TikTok sleep challenge is a social media trend. It is where participants film their attempt to improve their sleep schedule or try other methods to fall asleep.

How do you make a sleep challenge?

Create a sleep challenge by setting goals (e.g., a fixed sleep pattern for a month), rules (e.g., no screens one hour before bedtime), and tracking your progress.

What is the 123 sleep rule?

The 123 rule looks like this: 1 hour before bed, shut off phones, TVs, and computers. 2 hours before bed, no work. 3 hours before bed, no eating or drinking.

What to do next?

If you decide to take on the sleep challenge and stick with it, you'll discover the following things over the next 30 days:

  • You can develop healthier sleeping habits

  • You can create a sleep-promoting environment

  • You can cultivate a consistent sleeping schedule.

  • You will understand that quality sleep is an ongoing commitment.

As you keep going, stick with these habits to enjoy the perks of getting better sleep, like having more energy and improving your overall health. Have sweet dreams!

Comment below on which tips you tried and made a difference in your sleep.


Alexa Hanshaw author bio

About the Author

Alexa Hanshaw

Alexa Hanshaw is a national board certified health and wellness coach (NBC-HWC). She is also a stress management coach who helps women be the CEO of their stress. She empowers her clients to push past the confusion of the health and wellness industry to create lifestyle habits that bring them energy and work with their bodies instead of against it.

Join her free Facebook group, Be the CEO of Your Stress, and follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube for quick, easy & healthy tips on stress, health, fitness, nutrition, sleep, and how to stay mindful!



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© 2021 by Alexa Hanshaw

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